Saturday, March 18, 2017

2017 SMR 09

First ride of PDT 207.
Kind of funny seeing an aero tuck with a suitcase-size fanny pack on.

These cracks aren't going to fix themselves!
This chunk of road is only going to get worse.

Colonel Al joined us at the Junction.
We discussed flowering shrubs and low gears.

The requisite Pre-Wall Psych-up.

First timers I guess.

In case you missed it in the comments last week, Blog Reader Mike sends along instructions to get involved with the trail maintenance volunteers:

Mike said...

It's the 2nd Saturday of the month.

To get notification, just send an email to
He might not respond quickly but he'll put you on the list.A few days before he'll send you an email letting you know where and what they'll be working on that day.Bring water, lunch, snacks and sunscreen. Wear long pants, long sleeve shirts, boots or sturdy shoes, gloves. They'll supply all the tools and instruction. Work as hard or mellow as you want, they start at 8:30am and finish at 2:30pm.The core group is very nice and friendly - everyone is.I plan on doing this as much as I can in the future!

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